Overseas Financial Support for Australians Stuck Abroad

Overseas Financial Support for Australians Stuck Abroad

The Government is providing financial assistance to Australians to support them through the economic impact of the Coronavirus

Australian Government has announced this week that Australian citizens and some permanent residents, who are unable to return to Australia at this time, may be able to access financial support from the Government. The package is directed at those who are unable to return to Australia due to travel restrictions caused by the current pandemic, and are experiencing financial hardship as a result.

The Government has made provisions for both loans and grants to help cover living costs and/or a flight home to Australia. The value of the amount for which you may be eligible to support living costs while overseas varies up to $5,000. As for flights, the amount available depends on the region from which you are flying and varies from $750 to $2,500.

COVID-19: Overseas financial assistance

To apply, you must demonstrate that you are unable to obtain support from elsewhere, such as insurance, banking or credit card companies, family and friends, employers, local social security services, or overseas pension.

If you satisfy the eligibility criteria for the loan payment, you must repay the loan within 6 months of your arrival in Australia, unless you can show that you are experiencing financial hardship and will be unable to repay the loan within the allocated time period. The Government has advised that they may deny citizens the ability to renew their passport until repayment of the loan has commenced. If left unpaid, the Government has announced that they may cancel the applicant’s passport altogether.

While the criteria is limited and the repayment requirement is strict, the support is a welcome shift in the Government’s response to Australians who have been unable to return home during the pandemic. It follows the recent easing of travel restrictions for Australian citizens and permanent residents trying to return home.

To find our more and check your eligibility head to the Smart Traveller website:



Written by Helen Stewart-Koster

Migration Coordinator

As per Jay  Son


Lawyer / Migration Agent (MARN – 1912572)



Email: [email protected]

Tel:  +61 (07) 3876 4000


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