Medical exams for Australian Visa Applicants and COVID 19

Medical exams for Australian Visa Applicants and COVID 19

Medical exam for visa applicants is mandatory for anyone planning to migrate to another country. Usually, it’s part of the vetting process, and depending on the outcome, one can either get a refusal or approval. 

The cost of medical examination varies depending on the applicant’s age, current medical condition, and medical history. Therefore, when you visit a medical facility designated for the medical exam for visa applicants, be sure to carry enough funds. 

However, with the COVID-19 pandemic, most medical facilities are either closed or set aside for COVID-19 patients. As such, getting a medical exam for visa applicants might not be as easy before. In addition to this, applicants may have to undergo some additional tests. For instance, those planning to travel must be tested for Coronavirus and remain in mandatory quarantine for 14 days upon the arrival.


Who Needs a Medical Exam

Anyone applying for a visa needs medical examination as part of the application process. This means the family members applying for a visa with you must undergo medical examinations to prove that they meet the health requirements of the country they are migrating to. If you’re coming from a country that has been badly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have to undergo several medical examinations. However, since the disease has spread to almost every country in the world, the COVID-19 test is mandatory for anyone migrating to another country.

For permanent and provisional visa applicants, family members who are not travelling with them to Australia may also need to have health examinations. Even so, the examinations you need depends on several factors. These include:

  • The visa you are applying for
  • How long you plan to stay in Australia
  • What you plan to do in Australia
  • The country you apply from
  • Any special circumstances that might apply to you
  • Whether you have any significant medical conditions

In all the given circumstances, applicants must meet Australia’s health requirements. Nevertheless, if you’ve had health examinations in the last 12 months, you might not need to have all the health examinations again. Even so, you need to check with your immigration medical examination officer to see the tests that are required to complete the medical exam for visa applicants. 


What You Need To Bring For Medical Exam

When you go for a medical exam for visa applicants, be sure to bring your HAP ID and a valid passport. A HAP ID is an identifier contained in the referral letter you’re given once you complete your medical history. Without it, you can’t arrange for your medical exam.

In case you lodged a paper visa application, the HAP ID is in your Health Examination list or the document you’re given. On the other hand, if you made the application online, the HAP ID is contained in the referral letter you downloaded online. Remember, the medical facility you visit will not be able to locate your Australian eMedical without your HAP ID.

Other items to bring include your prescription spectacles or contact lenses if you have them, existing specialist or other medical reports for known medical conditions, and previous chest x-rays. Additionally, if you’re lodging your visa application outside Australia, you’ll have to provide your polio vaccination certificate during the appointment. 


Australian eMedical

All Australia immigration health examinations are processed through their electronic health processing system known as the eMedical. All medical information of Australian visa applicants is stored in the eMedical. The medical information stored here includes medical history, digital photos and x-rays, and your examination results. Any medical exam for visa applicants results submitted through this system get to the immigration department instantly. 

Not all clinics have access to the eMedical, and, therefore, you can’t just go to any medical facility. To find out whether the clinic uses eMedical, you can look for the eMedical logo next to the clinic’s name on Australian immigration offices and locations page. 

Keep in mind that in countries where eMedical is available, applicants are required to submit their medical exam for electronically, unless otherwise stated.


Medical Facilities Open For Medical Exam for Visa Applicants

With the COVID-19 pandemic, most clinics are closed or some reserved for COVID-19 patients. However, we still have some clinics that are carrying out medical exam for applicants planning to migrate to countries like Australia.

If you’re lodging your visa application from Australia, you must have heard about Bupa medical visa services. Bupa operates all medical centres around Australia on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs to provide immigration health examinations to those applying for Australian visas.

In case you don’t know which facilities are open for the medical exam for visa applicants during this COVID-19 pandemic, you can always check with them. To use Bupa medical services, you’ll need to book an immigration health examination through their online booking system. They’ll be able to connect you with the right medical facility.

However, you should take note of the following requirements concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • If an applicant has symptoms of fever or respiratory infection, they shouldn’t attend a medical medical exam for visa applicants until they have sought medical care, and their symptoms have fully resolved
  • If an applicant has recently been anywhere overseas, they must not attend for medical exam for visa applicants at least 14 days after arriving in Australia
  • If an applicant has been in recent contact with a known case of COVID-19, they must not attend a medical exam for visa applicants until at least 14 days after the last contact

All visa applicants must adhere to this for a successful medical exam. To apply for the medical exam for visa applicants through Bupa, just visit their website and book your appointment as soon as possible.



The immigration health examination is an important part of your visa application. At this time of the pandemic, it might not be easy to access the available medical facilities for the medical exam for visa applicants. However, some facilities are still open for this, and so, you can check with your immigration department to be directed accordingly. 


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