How Expert NB Migration Law Guidance Reversed a Refugee Visa Cancellation

How Expert NB Migration Law Guidance Reversed a Refugee Visa Cancellation

Migration can be a complex journey filled with challenges, and sometimes individuals find themselves facing visa cancellations due to various reasons. Today, we present a remarkable success story, guided by the expertise of NB Migration Law, that sheds light on the possibility of revoking a cancellation of a Refugee Visa Subclass 200. In this case, the applicant faced a cancellation based on his substantial criminal record and imprisonment. Let’s delve into the details of the Applicant’s journey and the compelling reasons that led to the revocation of his visa cancellation.

Background: A Refugee’s Struggle

Applicant originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, arrived in Australia in 2006 as a refugee with his mother and siblings. However, in January 2022, his life took a challenging turn when he was sentenced to 14 months of imprisonment for a criminal offense. Subsequently, his Class XB Subclass 200 Refugee Visa was mandatorily canceled under section 501(3A) of the Migration Act. This cancellation was primarily due to his substantial criminal record and his ongoing imprisonment.


The Main Issues Before the Tribunal

The primary issues brought before the Tribunal were twofold: firstly, whether Applicant passes the character test defined by the Migration Act, and secondly, if not, whether there are compelling reasons to revoke the cancellation decision.

Factors to Consider: Expert Legal Insight from NB Migration Law Lawyer

  1. Nature of Seriousness of the Conduct:

The applicant demonstrated a deep understanding of the gravity of his past actions, particularly those involving violence. He acknowledged the seriousness of such crimes in Australia and took full responsibility for his past behavior. He also recognized the role of alcohol and poor decision-making in his offenses, showing a commitment to personal growth and reform.

  1. The Strength, Nature, and Duration of Ties to Australia:

As the eldest son in his family, Applicant held a special place in their hearts, especially after his father’s passing. The family’s journey to Australia was marked by challenges, and the applicant became the family’s anchor. They provided emotional and financial support to each other, and his removal from Australia would disrupt their stability.


  1. Best Interests of Minor Children in Australia:

The applicant is a father of two Australian children, with whom he shares a close bond. Separating them would cause lasting trauma, contravening their rights as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

  1. Other Considerations:

Beyond these factors, other considerations included indefinite detention, the impact on victims, and the consequences for Australian business interests.


Tribunal’s Findings

In a careful assessment of these factors, the Tribunal weighed the protection of the Australian community, concerns about family violence, and community expectations against the best interests of Applicant’s minor children, the strength of his ties to the Australian community, legal consequences, impediments if removed to the DRC, and the impact on his victims. Ultimately, the Tribunal concluded that the compelling reasons in favor of revoking the Cancellation Decision outweighed the countervailing considerations.

This success story is a testament to the power of expert legal guidance provided by an expert lawyer at NB Migration Law. The client’s case highlights the possibility of revoking visa cancellations even in complex situations, offering hope to those facing similar challenges in their migration journey. If you have any migration questions or require assistance, NB Migration Law is here to help navigate your path to a successful outcome.

Book a free consultation today and let us help you find a way forward.